Select a source to process. This page is running entirely in your browser, no data will be sent to any servers.

Currently only the Camera source is supported.

After selecting the source, complete the Source setup and Spectrum calibration steps on the right, then you can start to Inspect.


Source setup

In this section you define the location and orientation of the projected image on the source material. Try to contain the whole projected rainbow, with the blue and red markers at the correct ends of it. Keep a bit of extra space on both ends.

Spectrum calibration

Match the displayed spectrum to a known one to calibrate the markings and the wavelengths.

You only need to do this once.

This part is unstable, you probably don't want to use it yet.

When your spectrum matches the reference as close as possible, set the multipliers here to account for the possible inaccuracies of the sensor used on the source.

When done, click the button below. This is just a shortcut to Inspect tab, you can come back here by selecting the Setup tab again.


This part is work-in-progress, saved data might not be loadable later.

The snapshots are stored in your browser, if you clear website data they will be lost.

Snapshots contain the settings, calibrations, latest datapoints, etc., they can be retrieved later, can be exported to CSV, etc.

Saved snapshots: